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The Speed Queen
The Speed Queen app is a laundry app that lets you pay for washer or dryer directly from your phone. Users can also check for machine availability and see when they will be finished.
Role: UXR
Time: 4 weeks
Tools: Figma,and Adobe illustrator
Design Process
Background and Goals
Generative research goals
Design research goals
Target audience
Research methods
Focus groups
Key Problems
User types
Key learning
Background and Goals
I use the Speedyqueen app in my apartment to pay for laundry and check machine availability and finishing times. I have noticed some areas for improvement in the app, so I've chosen it for my college UX project.
Generative research goals
1. User Pain Points:
2. User Needs and Expectations:
3. Innovation Opportunities:
Design research goals
1. User Journey Analysis:
Analyzing user experiences through interviews.
2. Persona Creation:
Understand the diverse needs of Speedy Queen users by developing user personas.
3. Prototype Testing:
Improve app features and user experience through iterative testing.
Target Audience
People from different careers and routines who live in apartments and use the Speed Queen app for their laundry needs.
Research Method
Focus groups
For my focus group study, I gathered a diverse group of 10 individuals residing in my apartment who regular use the Speedy Queen app.
This group encompasses a variety of backgrounds and occupations, including students, designers, engineers, and waitresses, each with their own unique routines and daily experiences.
Research questions
What difficulties do users face while using the app?
What are the varying needs and preferences of different user segments (e.g., students, working professionals)
What suggestions or improvements do users propose to further enhance the user experience of the Speedy Queen app?
For additional information, please contact me
How did I analyze the data?
Step 1: I defined key problems
Step 2: I created user types.
Key Problems
Users do not receive timely notifications when their laundry is completed.
Users find it inconvenient to deposit money to the app before making a payment.
Customize setting
Although timing information is provided, users cannot customize settings, such as specifying water type
For additional information, please contact me
User types
User type 1
Remote worker
Need :
Timely Notifications: Remote workers need timely updates for efficient scheduling.
User type 2
Office worker
Timely Notifications: Office workers need timely updates on laundry status to plan pickups.
Custom Preferences: Ability to customize settings detergent type for personalized laundry care.
User type 3
Prompt Notifications: Students require timely updates.
Simple Payment Process: They seek an effortless payment procedure or pay by cash
Based on key problems,I created recommendations features to improve the app
Current System
Step 1:
Enter the App
Step 2:
Sign in to the system.
Step 3:
Enter debit or credit card information for payment.
( Deposit money to the app )
Step 4:
Selecting Locations and floor.
Step 5:
Selecting washer or dryer
( Users can find out how long they need to wait before they can use the machine.)
Step 6:
Select at the machine;
Personalize laundry preferences and settings.
Step 7:
Machine notifying;
Receive a notification if the load exceeds recommended capacity.
Step 8:
Get notified upon completion of the laundry in the app
Recommen-dations features
Notification feature
Get notified upon completion of the laundry cycle,( with an optional SMS alert for users who prefer it. )
Payment feature
Integrate credit/debit card payments for convenience.
Customize setting feature
Allow users to customize water temperature and preferences.
For additional information, please contact me
Payment Integration
Including a credit/debit card payment system to allow users to pay without depositing money into the app's pocket.
Capacity Information
This allows consumers to organize their washing time better and avoid high consumption hours.
Customers can queue up the machine to secure it
Machine Start from App and Customizable Settings
Provide consumers with the ability to customize settings such as water temperature and other preferences.
Load Monitoring
To detect heavy loads, install load monitoring sensors in the equipment. If the load is too heavy, the app should alert users to lower the amount of clothing for better cleaning outcomes.
3 out of 5 people found the app easy to navigate, but suggested adding more visual cues for filtering options. While the payment process was straightforward, one person found the lack of a payment confirmation screen slightly disconcerting.
Add visual cues for filtering options.
A payment confirmation screen after completing payment.
Key learning
I spent four weeks on research, analysis, and design to create a solid plan for success. 60% of my time was allocated to research & analysis and 40% to design.
I learned valuable skills in
Time management
Pattern recognition
Realized that usability is more important than aesthetics.
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